5 Best Call-to-Action (CTA) Designs [Infographic]

2 min readJul 20, 2018

When was the last time you bought a product online? I signed up for a 3-month Spotify plan just now.

You might have just downloaded a new app for your productivity, or probably not too long ago, you filled out a contact form to hire an explainer video agency for your business?

I’m sure you’ve signed up, downloaded, or tried out apps and services online — probably more than you care to count.

You’ve got a newsletter coming to your inbox every week and notifications on your phone from many apps you’ve installed.

Do you realize how it all happened? The answer is Call to Action or CTA for short.

Well, it’s not really an accurate answer. Let me explain.

The process that those companies have gone through in convincing you to use their products is meticulous.

There are many contents, emails, pictures, and videos involved in building a marketing funnel. But I assure you, CTA plays a major role in getting you on board.

As a marketer or owner of a business, you need to understand the elements of different types of CTA and how each of them works.

I have scoured the Internet to find hundreds of CTAs from every single company that I can think of — and to my surprise, all of them can be divided into a handful of different categories.

In order to better explain how these CTAs work, I teamed up with Milkwhale to visualize my research into an infographic.

Check out the 5 Most Used Types of Call to Actions on The Internet:

(P.S: there’s an embed code at the bottom of the page)

Embed Code:

<div style="clear:both"><a href="https://breadnbeyond.com/articles/most-used-cta/" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img src="https://breadnbeyond.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/most-used-CTA.jpg" title="The 5 Most Used Call-to-Action Designs on the Internet [INFOGRAPHIC]" alt="The 5 Most Used Call-to-Action Designs on the Internet [INFOGRAPHIC]" border="0" /></a></div><div>Courtesy of: <a href="https://breadnbeyond.com" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Breadnbeyond</a></div>

Originally published at https://breadnbeyond.com on July 20, 2018.

