4 Books to Read for Mastering Negotiation and Persuasion Skills

Negotiation and persuasion are skills that can change the course of your career — and your life.

3 min readDec 27, 2024

Negotiation and persuasion are at the heart of success in both personal and professional life.

These four must-read can be practical handbooks that will equip you with the tools, strategies, and psychological insights to master influence and persuasion in real-life situations.

1. Bargaining with the Devil: When to Negotiate, When to Fight by Robert Mnookin

Mnookin emphasizes the importance of knowing whether to negotiate or fight.

He uses real-life case examples to illustrate how one can reach an agreement that benefits them, even if it means dealing with a difficult opponent.

This book highlights Mnookin’s guide to wise decisions to avoid getting trapped.

It also discusses when to use a bargaining strategy versus adopting a stricter approach, emphasizing effective communication, emotional intelligence, and power dynamics.

2. Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion by Robert Cialdini

This book is for you if you want to improve your communication skills, understand people’s thoughts, and make the best decisions.

Robert Cialdini is a professor of psychology and marketing.

In this book, Cialdini offers six fundamental principles to master when influencing people.

  • reciprocity
  • commitment or consistency
  • consensus or social proof
  • authority
  • liking
  • scarcity

The deep dive into these six principles help us understand how we can influence people to accept our decisions.

3. Lead from the Future: How to Turn Visionary Thinking Into Breakthrough Growth by Mark W. Johnson and Josh Suskewicz

In this book, Johnson and Suskewics present “future-back” as an entirely new method of thinking.

This way of thinking helps us see beyond the usual short-term planning horizon and see the opportunities and problems that will shape the future.

For more information on this book, LeadLearnLeap has summarized it in this animated 7-minute video.

Watch more animated book summaries on LeadLearnLeap YouTube channel

4. How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie

Carnegie’s core message is that our relationship with people can affect everything.

People are ultimately the channels to our results. This book tells us that it will make all the difference when we believe we can get what we want and get along with people.

He highlights that relationships will be the engines of the desire to reach a goal, and people are the bridges.

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